Available Widget
Here are widget that available for your theme.
Search Form
Below is the function.
// $text = button value
search($text = null)
This will generating the menu.
// $custom = custom class
menu($custom = null)
Recent Posts
If you print the recent post widget it will only generate list of post by title.
// $custom = true or false. Default false
// $count = how many posts. Default from recent.count (see config.ini)
recent_posts($custom = null, $count = null)
**Custom Recent Posts
You can creating custom recent post by specify it inside the function.
And it will outputting an array of the most recent posts. Than you need to do some foreach
. Example from blog theme:
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="recent-posts">
<h2 class="hide">Recent Posts</h2>
<?php $lists = recent_posts(true);?>
<?php $char = 60;?>
<?php foreach ($lists as $l):?>
<?php if (strlen(strip_tags($l->title)) > $char) { $recentTitle = shorten($l->title, $char) . '...';} else {$recentTitle = $l->title;}?>
<div class="item">
<h3 class="title"><a href="<?php echo $l->url;?>"><?php echo $recentTitle;?></a></h3>
<div class="content">
<p><?php echo shorten($l->body, 75); ?>...</p>
<a class="more-link" href="<?php echo $l->url;?>"><i class="fa fa-link"></i> Read more</a>
<?php endforeach;?>
Above example also use shorten($string, $char)
The post count is specify by recent.count
from config.ini but you can override it by specify it in your function, example:
recent_posts(true, 5)
Popular Posts
The popular posts also have the same function like recent posts, you just need to change the function to:
// $custom = true or false. Default false
// $count = how many posts. Default from popular.count (see config.ini)
popular_posts($custom = null, $count = null)
This will display the archive widget.
// $custom = true or false. Default false.
archive_list($custom = null)
Tag Cloud
List of available tags.
// $custom = true or false. Default false.
tag_cloud($custom = null)
Custom Tag Cloud
By specify the $custom
will outputting array. Example use:
<section id="popular-tags" class="widget widget_popular_tags">
<h2 class="widget-title">Popular Tags</h2>
<?php $i = 1; $tags = tag_cloud(true); arsort($tags); ?>
<?php foreach ($tags as $tag => $count):?>
<li><a class="more-link" href="<?php echo site_url();?>tag/<?php echo $tag;?>"><?php echo tag_i18n($tag);?> (<?php echo $count;?>)</a></li>
<?php if ($i++ >= 5) break;?>
<?php endforeach;?>
Category List
This will displaying any category that have content.
// $custom = true or false. Default false
category_list($custom = null)
Related Posts
This will displayed related posts by tag. Only displaying post title linked to post.
Custom Related Posts
Sometimes we need custom related posts, we just need to specify.
get_related($p->related, true)
<?php $related= get_related($p->related, true);?>
<?php foreach($related as $r):?>
// the div etc. goes here.
<div class="content">
<div class="title"><?php echo $r->title; ?></div>
<?php endforeach;?>
Recent Posts by Type
We can list let say latest image, video etc. or category and author
// $type = the content type eg. image, video, category (slug), author (username) etc.
// $count = how many posts. Default is recent.count (see config.ini)
// $custom = true or false
recent_type($type, $count = null, $custom = null)
Recent Posts by Tag
We can list latest posts by tag
// $tag = the tag slug
// $count = how many posts. Default is recent.count (see config.ini)
// $custom = true or false
recent_tag($tag, $count = null, $custom = null)