HTMLy use traditional template engine: HTML tags mixed with PHP. Guaranteed faster performance and flexibility.
Sub Pages
Theme Structure →
Below are the HTMLy theme structure: themes/your-theme/ css/ img/ js/ 404.html.php 404-search.html.php layout.html.php main.html.php
Below are the HTMLy theme structure: themes/your-theme/ css/ img/ js/ 404.html.php 404-search.html.php layout.html.php main.html.php
Theme Variables →
Like common theme, HTMLy have many variable. Note: you should compare it with the latest theme included with the package. layout.html.php This file
Like common theme, HTMLy have many variable. Note: you should compare it with the latest theme included with the package. layout.html.php This file
Advanced Theming →
HTMLy almost can list any posts based tag, category, author, or type. You just need to read the functions.php to know any get helper. With this than
HTMLy almost can list any posts based tag, category, author, or type. You just need to read the functions.php to know any get helper. With this than
Available Widget →
Here are widget that available for your theme. search() menu() recent_posts() popular_posts() archive_list() tag_cloud() category_list()
Here are widget that available for your theme. search() menu() recent_posts() popular_posts() archive_list() tag_cloud() category_list()